Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend officially kicked my ass! Let me just say that up front. Here I am at 9:30 on Sunday typing this up in my pajamas curled up on my couch. I am just beat. But, I pushed myself this weekend, all while having fun. Heck, I even napped today for about a half an hour (which is rare for me since I started all this healthy living).

First of all, stress sucks. And secondly, it is unavoidable. There will always be stress in your life, it's all about how you deal with it. For me, it use to be with food. Now, it's throwing myself into my workout or doing something to keep my body moving. So, this weekend, my butt was in stress reducing mode. Luck for me, Matt had a 4 day weekend, so I scheduled myself off for those few days as well. This of course has helped in the whole stress busting idea.

So Friday, I kind of invited myself to hang out with my parents at the RV show in Rosemont. I say I invited myself because I asked my mom if we could join, and she said yes. I don't know for sure if they really wanted to be there by themselves, but we were able to go. If you are not a camper, or have never been to an RV show, it's a treat. I love seeing all the different layouts for the RV's and thinking of which one would be my starter camper, and which one I would get if I ever won a big lottery. I mean isn't it nice to dream.

Well, we walked that entire show at least once. In fact after putting in over 10,000 steps from noon to five (this didn't include my 5,000 plus steps from my morning workout) I was pretty much done. I decided to let my parents do what they wanted in finding their dream RV for the next few years. I relaxed in a few RV's, watched the news outside of an RV, and then sat and people watched. I think my final number of steps on my pedometer was somewhere in the 12,300 range. I was exhausted but excited. In years past my legs would hurt so bad, and my knees would be sore. It would be too much for me to go in and out the trailers because of the pain. I did all those steps and didn't complain. I even managed to power walk back from the area that the RV show was (in the back of the building) back to the parking garage. I didn't do the stairs up to the fourth floor, but I was already so much better than before.

Saturday I was up at 6:30. I swear sometimes, my dog is as bad as having a kid in getting us up early. After sitting around and not knowing what we were doing we decided to head out towards the mall so I could pick up a new pair of jeans as I am down to one pair and they are getting a little big. After gaining success in Kohl's we did make it to the mall and walked around before dinner. Yes, Saturday was considered the lazy day.

Now we come to today and Sunday. Up I got and we went to Brookfield Zoo. I was excited to find out it was free day today so we only had to pay for parking. That made the day better. Yes, it was a little cold out, but it was so much fun watching the animals and being outdoors. I got to see the lions, tigers, polar bears, the amur leopard and the sloth bear all awake and moving. I found a new spot to stand and watch the California Sea Lions swim, and during their feeding/training time. We got to enjoy the children's petting zoo (also free today), and get up close with a llama. (It sniffed my hand!) Oh, and I got to see the baby white-chick gibbon! It was so cute! I walked a good 6,693 steps from 10 AM when we arrived and 1:30 when we left. What a good day! Oh and that nap, it happened on our way home while Matt was driving. One moment we were on 355 on our way home from a stop in Bolingbrook, and the next I was in my garage. Yeah, I don't remember much of that drive.

But the big questions, what did I eat this weekend? Friday for dinner (which was late), I had a side caesar salad, with no croutons, and the dressing on the side. Then I had a burger (no cheese, no top bun, and no ketchup), with a baked potato. I think I had a few bites of the baked potato, and I was done. I was full, and it wasn't worth being stuff. I even had a few bites of a chocolate cake that got sent to our table by accident. Even with that I did not go over my points for the day. Saturday we had Chipotle for lunch, but dinner was snap peas, turkey burger with fat free cheese, jello and pineapple. Today I split a salad and a personal pan pizza with Matt for lunch, had cereal, milk, and yogurt for breakfast, fruit during the day, and for dinner left overs from Thursday night. I splurged a little, but still managed to stay within my points total.

Am I stressed anymore? Nope, I am too tired to be stressed, so I guess it worked!

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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