Friday, February 3, 2012

First time...

Welcome to my first blog post. I decided to start this after almost 3 weeks of changing my diet, and trying to lose the weight. See, I'm a big girl; 326 pounds of big when I started to be exact. Yes, you read that right, 326 pounds. But, I've never fit the social "norms" or been able to do the things that "everyone" is doing, because my weight has affected me. So, after finding out I can't have kids unless I lose weight first I finally decided that this was it, I was getting on the fit train.

Now, why the fit train? Not the skinny, or losing weight train? Well, in order to get fit, I need to change my diet and exercise more. I need to get fit and in shape. By getting fit and in shape I will lose weight. Therefore, I am reaching all my goals. Will I make it? I believe I can. And if I can believe it, well I was always told I can do anything I put my mind to.

Is this easy. HELL NO! I love food. I am a food addict. Give me a choice of food or having fun, I ask why I can't do both. I mean really? My life is about food. I love to cook and I love to bake. And tasting is a part of that. Before I started to do this my breakfast nothing I never ate breakfast. Lunch was a sandwich and 1/4 - 1/2 of a large bag of chips. Or home made mac and cheese, or some ravioli in butter. Oh, and then I would snack if I got hungry. Dinner was chicken breast (sometimes pan fried, or just cooked) with about 2 servings of mashed potatoes with butter and cheese. No veggies. Or I would make a pasta dish. Then if I could I would have 3 large scoops of ice cream or sherbet for dessert. Yes, I ate a lot. And I would make my own alfredo sauce when I wanted it. I would be asked to bring my homemade mac and cheese to parties. These are not low fat or calorie items. And when I didn't eat a lot I wouldn't eat the right choices. I hate veggies. There were not a lot of times I would cook or eat veggies. I think mashed potatoes, french fries, and corn were the only ones. And no, the first two do not count at all.

Now, I am doing pretty good. Yes, I know it's only 3 weeks in, but I am working hard. I decided to go to Weight Watchers for the points. Why? Because it keeps me accountable in the food department. I am suppose to have 8 oz of water (or liquid) a day, 2-3 servings of dairy, 2 servings of a healthy oil, and 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies. Has it worked. Yes, I lost 14.8 pounds my two weeks. No, that is not typical and I got scolded for losing more than the recommended healthy amount. Oh, and that was without exercising. (I started that this week, but that hilarious information is coming in my next post)

Will this get easier? Probably. Just look at my meals from today:

Breakfast: 1 poached egg, 1 turkey sausage patty, 1 mini pretzel bagel
Snack: An apple and some peanut butter
Lunch: 1 whole wheat wrap, leftover turkey taco meat, lettuce, cheese, and yogurt (on the side, I am the pickest eater I know so no way is that yogurt going on top).
Snack: Sugar free jello
Dinner: 1/2 a pork chop pounded down a bit and coated in bread crumbs and baked (why? I miss the fried food but I can do this for less points), some sort of veggie (haven't decided dinner is still cooking), and brown rice. And not that instant stuff. I bought the long cooking, going to be on the stove for like 35 minutes stuff. Hopefully this will be better. Oh, and it's cooked in a no point chicken broth.
Snack: If I am hungry I'll grab an ice cream bar. Weight Watchers Ice Cream bar that is.

Did this get me all my healthy items? Well, let's see no fruit or veggie with my breakfast. Fruit in my snack, lettuce at lunch, and veggies for dinner. Might want to make that 2 servings at dinner. Nope. But now that I see that, I will definitely think about it more tomorrow.

Well, now I know this was long, but it was my first entry. The exercise one will be up by tomorrow at the latest, and I promise you will either laugh at my angst, or be disgusted by how out of shape I decided I really was.

Love, Peace, and Still Fat,

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