Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Trying to Keep Positive

It's Wednesday morning at 7:45 as I begin to write this, and I am not a very happy girl. It has nothing to do with the way I slept last night or the fact that my allergies are terrible. It has everything to do with the fact that I am sitting in the "office" typing this blog and I am not downstairs working out with my husband.

I started on Monday doing great. We had just one 20 minute workout. I was happy and good. It was great before my weigh-in. Then yesterday morning we had a 20 minute workout and a 20 minute ab sculpting workout. That was...interesting. I manage to love the workout, sweat my butt off, curse out the "leader" of the workout, and enjoy myself all at the same time. My knee was starting to bother me again, and I knew that it would only get worse with the workouts later in the week.

So yesterday I began my search for the knee brace or sleeve. I figure I don't need much, just something that is going to keep my knee in place while I am doing my twist, turns and bends. Something that supports my knee so I can fully work out. I went to the local CVS. They had like 5 knee braces or sleeves. There were a few that looked good. But, they only had 1 that went to a size XL and of course that wasn't in stock. I then headed over to my hair stylist to pick up my water bottle, and there is a medical supply place a few doors down. They measured my thigh (so embarrassing), but they are out of stock on the size that I currently need. Great, thanks for nothing. I decide to try the Walgreens that is kind of on my way home but not. HALLELUJAH! They have just one that goes to my size.

Which, puts me on a tangent. When you go to purchase a knee brace, or other braces for joints in your body look at the sizes. I hate those stupid one sizers. Why? Because most of the time they only go to that brands large size. Um, not to be mean, but just cause I am fat and a big girl doesn't mean I don't do things that may hurt my knee, ankle, or wrist. I need something that fits it. Now, let's be many people that have thighs that are 22 inches or bigger around have knee issues? And yet they can't just go and pick up a knee brace or sleeve to help them get into the workout scene.

Anyway, back to the story. So I got up bright and early this morning excited that I can try this workout with my knee brace/sleeve. I might be able to do most of the workout without modifications for my knee. I know I've been holding back because of it. There I was knee brace on, workout mode in my head and doing my warm-ups when it happened. Out of nowhere there was that sudden sharp pain in my back. I sucked my breath in, and instantly stood up. That did not feel good. I walked around, hoping it was just a little issue and went back to try it some more. I was modifying everything.

I finally decided when I couldn't do my punches without my back hurting that working out this morning was not in the best interest for my health. Right at that point the pain wasn't too bad, it was just a small pain in the back that didn't bother me until I twisted, turned, or tried to bend at the back. (Yeah, pretty much an entire workout right?) I mean, would it really be worth it to hurt myself further to get a workout in? At least this way I can try to rest my back and get up tomorrow to try again. If I just went for it toady, who knows how bad it would have hurt tomorrow.

I am trying to stay positive, because I am starting to enjoy my workouts. I finish them and I jump around, and want to go for a long walk. Or I dance around the bathroom while getting ready in the morning. I feel like I have a storage place for energy in my body that gets filled up when I do my workout, and it is overflowing in the morning. I have to move my body to get rid of the excess before I can do anything else. I went this morning from excited to do a new 40 minute workout with no issues from my knee, to a pissed off fat girl that hurt her back.

But what I learned today is there are going to be lots of little stumbling stones on my path. I got through some of the first ones, my knee being in pain, desserts I have to make, a super bowl party. Now, I have to get through this one and make it through the day.

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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