Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Part 1

This is my, what...third weekend since I started and this is the hardest weekend I ever had. Not only was it Super Bowl Sunday, which we as Americans eat more on this day than any other day of the year, save one - Thanksgiving. But, it was also the weekend we were celebrating my sister's birthday from last month and my brother in law's birthday later this month. That makes for a lot of will power and food that was going to be hard.

I'm breaking the weekend into separate posts, just to keep them shorter (which with me is a wish more than anything as we either know or seen...I am long winded). So, first up is Saturday and the birthday get together. This was going to be my entire immediate family, which unfortunately, doesn't get together as often as we would like. Now the good part is that not only am I doing Weight Watchers, but so is my husband, and my father. My mom is watching what she eats, but not really doing Weight Watchers. With that in mind most of the food was going to be pretty good for us.

The hard part...dessert. It was decided that I would bring dessert since I am the baker of the family. Oh, and since you took Mom's recipe for her banana cake and "fixed" it to make it better, that is what the birthday people want. Have fun. Um yeah, not that I can't have the dessert, but let's torture me with having to have that baking scent in my house. Oh, and while your at it, your frosting is know the one that you make with butter, powder sugar, vanilla, and your secret ingredient...heavy whipping cream to keep it light. Yeah, can you put that on top of the cupcakes. TORTURE! I freaking love that frosting. I can take the extra frosting, put it on graham crackers and eat it as a snack. And now you want me to make it to put on top of the damn cupcakes, and not have the left over.  Yeah, I have a few choice words...not printable for good reason.

So here I am Saturday morning, measuring out my ingredients, sifting, mixing, mashing the whole nine yards. And do my cupcakes turn out great. They smell delicious, they feel springy, and the color is perfect. All 24 of them finish cooling and it is time for my frosting. I keep telling myself, I can do this. You really only need to taste it a little to finish it off. You don't have to eat a ton of it. I start by measuring out my starting powder sugar, and the butter. I mixed it, then added my vanilla. Then came time to start adding my whipping cream. Slowly and mix. It was going good, but I definitely needed more powder sugar. Keep mixing, keep mixing...damn it what is wrong with my hand mixer? I need you why won't you work!!!!!!!! I blew it up. My hand mixer stopped working right in the middle of my frosting making. What the heck. Yeah, I tried to keep going, but it just didn't work the same.

I tasted a little bit, and even had my husband taste it and it was okay but just not up to my high standards. I had to use it as I had no other choice but the frosting wasn't as good as I wanted. However, I saved 5 cucpakes that I refused to frost. Why? I had a tub of Fat Free Cool Whip that was almost thawed. I added a package of White Chocolate Fat Free/Sugar Free Pudding and mixed that up. I then swirled a bit of that on top of 5 cupcakes...enough that my dad, my husband and I all had 1 for the night, and 2 of us could have one the next day. I was thinking ahead. Those cupcakes would have cost me 10 points with the frosting...10 points! Now don't get me wrong, I had the points that day for it, plus my 49 weekly points, and the 21 points I had from working out.  But, I decided that all that sweetness wasn't worth it, and it would only make me want more sugar.  Besides my cool whip version was only 5 points. Such a better deal!

So we go to Mom's. The dinner was chicken breast and/or honey turkey, mashed potatoes, home made wheat bread, asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower, and mom's dieter's delight jello. Yum! I managed to keep my points under 20 for dinner with the potatoes and bread. That is a miracle for me. I even managed to only have 1 cupcake. It worked out pretty good. But all the game playing, baking, and family time tired me out. I was ready for bed by 9. Either that or by not working out my body was just being lazy for the day. I still had to get through Sunday to make it all work.

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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