Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Part 2

Okay, now that I have successfully navigated my family party I now had my sights set to Sunday and the Super Bowl party. Now, not that my friends are not supportive, but I really don't expect them not to make or bring all those foods that they love because my husband and I really shouldn't eat them. I mean how fair is that. If they were at my house, it would have been a different story.

So, first set of business is making sure I have food I will eat. Matt and I got veggies to make a veggie tray. That helped. Then I made some sugar free Jello. Oh, and my little trick that is right on the box to make it feel even naughtier...instead of using cold water, I use cold diet lemon lime soda. Sometimes it may change the flavor a bit, or you can taste it, but the fizz when you are eating it, is so worth that! I decided to take one of my 2 point Special K snack bars, and a individual serving of Velvetta's Shell's & Cheese with 2% milk. Oh, plus I brought my left over cupcakes. I had 1 for me, and the rest could now be out of my house.

I did eat lunch before I left and made sure that I wasn't hungry before the car ride. I was the first one their so that helped a bit. Then everyone started to trickle in and so did the food. We had homemade "sliders," crackers, cheese, sausage, pretzels, potato chips, wings in a variety of sauces and pigs in a blanket. Oh my, this was going to be a little hard. But, I knew I could do this. Did I stay away from all the food? No, why or how could I? I had points left over as this was "dinner," and tell me who could be around all that food for 4 or 5 hours and not touch any of it.

However, I was well behaved. I ate my shells and cheese, I had some veggies but I also had a couple pigs in a blanket and some crackers and cheese. Did I eat a lot of them? No, but I counted the points for them. I had my cupcake during the half time show, and some jello in the 4th quarter. I left the house and I felt great.

There was a huge bottle of water that I drank. I only had 2 glasses of pop, before more water. I didn't have any alcohol at all! I didn't not eat, but I ate far less than I ever had at a Super Bowl party before. As a self proclaimed food addict let me tell you, this was not easy. Had I not been trying to be good this would have been a completely different story. First, I wouldn't have brought veggies, but probably one of my high calorie, high fat foods with lots of starch. It would have been my "stuff" on a shingles (equal parts ground beef, pork sausage, and velvetta cheese on a piece of bread and toasted), or my taco dip (taco meat and cheese sauce used to dip chips into). Then I would have gorged on the item I made, had about 10 pigs in a blanket, and half the cheese and crackers. Let alone I would have touched the chips, and had 2 cupcakes that were left over from the party.

This isn't going to be easy all the time. But, I knew if I couldn't conquer myself on Super Bowl Sunday, what was going to happen at my next family party, or Easter, or when I am in the car on a 15 hour road trip? I needed to know I could do it this time, so it will be easier in the future!

The truth is in the numbers however, and this morning was weigh in. I got up early and worked out. It felt great (though that knee and I are not always getting along). I got in the shower, used the blow dryer on my hair, and got ready. I ended up showing up 1/2 before the meeting so I could weigh in and eat. (I was starved). I stepped on the scale and I heard "Wow" from Barb on the other side. I was thinking okay, is that a good wow or a bad wow? It was a great wow! I lost another 5 pounds last week, and I am now down 19.8 pounds. This is my 3rd weigh in. I don't expect this high weight loss trend to continue (besides it isn't always healthy). But, I am well on my way to reaching all of my goals over the next 11 months. Over 5% of my starting weight is gone. Until next time...

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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