Friday, February 10, 2012

Not much has changed

Yes, this is a bad week for me. After pulling my back out on Wednesday I still have not been able to work out. Yesterday wasn't terrible with the pain, but I couldn't do things I wanted to do. Oh, and watching me get out of my car is funny as hell. First of all I have to ride with the seat in the "full and upright" position. This keeps my back straight, and the pain is much less while riding. However, my back tenses up in the car. I think it's something about the way my legs are in the car that makes my back tense up. So, when we have finally stopped, I slowly open the door. My first leg comes out, all while I am slowly turing my entire body towards the door. Then I attempt to move my other leg out, while continuing to move my entire body (in a turn that is). Once my feet are outside the door, I put a hand on each side of the frame, and slowly get my upper body in position with my lower. Then I have to pull myself up with my arms while pushing with my legs to stand. Then I have to attempt to move. Once I have stood up it's almost like my back locks up and my first step or two are so painful I am afraid of falling over. Once I get a few steps away I am usually pretty good.

But, with all that pain, means no exercise at all. I know better. I've done this to my back before, and starting on the intense workouts I have would not be good for me healing. So, for the past few days it's making me work a little harder when I don't have to. If I am watching television in our lowest level, I walk up to the highest level to use the bathroom instead of the one on that floor. If I can stretch my back out, I am doing it. I get up and walk around the room while commercials are on. Anything to keep me moving.

The scary part for me, I have to work tonight. I love my job so I don't mind working. It's the 45 minute drive out to the person's house, and the carrying of my product into the house that scares me the most. Plus the unpacking of my boxes, the re-packing of the boxes, packing my car back up and the 45 minute drive home. Thankfully, my mom was invited to this party and she is going to drive my car for me. I have lightened my boxes so if someone hands it to me, I know I can carry it for a short distance, but I don't want to set it down. That plus the snow...this is going to be a fun night!

But, I have a happy side. I am getting some work out tapes from my mom. They are not intense, and it is literally mostly walking in place in my own house. I think I can do this work out for the next two days if my back is still bothering me. Here's to hoping that no matter what some more weight comes off on Monday.

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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