Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's okay

I've realized over the past few weeks while on Facebook is that I don't think of Weight Watchers as a diet, it a new way of life for me. I see posts that people put up about their "diets" and these "miracle" drugs that help you to lose tons of weight and inches. I think to myself, "What happens when you stop taking those drugs?" or "What happens when you stop the diet?" For me, I know that this is a lifestyle change. I am changing the way I look at food, think of food, and eat my food. With a change of life, once you do it for so long you are less likely to want to go back to the old way.

The best part about this "lifestyle" is that I can eat what ever I want. I know it sounds silly and stupid, but name me one diet that allows you to eat in a single day two slices of pizza, ice cream, and snacks? Yes, I have eaten that on a day with weight watchers. I eat my breakfast for 6-8 points in the morning. If I am hungry I pull out a yogurt, fruit, or a snack bar later. I eat my 7-12 point lunch, snack again if I get hungry in the afternoon, eat my dinner of 7-15 points, and then because I have so many points left over I may have a 4 point container of Skinny Cow ice cream.

I want for nothing. My mom threw my husband and I a going away party this weekend. I had half a cupcake, some cookies, fried chicken (as much skin as I could removed), taco salad, and jello. I went to Red Lobster to celebrate my Grandfather's birthday. I had the meal I wanted, and split a roll with my husband. And, I lost 3.4 pounds this week.

Now what I am going to tell everyone might shock or surprise you, but this is something I truly believe. See, everyone craves food. For me, I crave all types of food, warm soft pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, my favorite deep dish chicago style pizza, Chinese food from my favorite place, and pasta. What I have learned over the years in previous yo-yo dieting is that if I don't fulfill that craving, I will still crave it for weeks. Yes I said weeks. Try having a craving for a soft pretzel and going to the mall. Not a good combination I'll admit. So, what do you do? For me I try to eat what I am craving.

There are somethings that are easier to accommodate than others with these cravings, and I understand. But I would rather have three mini chocolate chip toll house cookies straight out of the oven with some fat free Cool Whip one day than keep that craving for weeks, and break down while at the mall and get one of those frosted chocolate chip cookies. Or go to a party and eat half a dozen without thinking. Here's what you have to think through. Is it worth having a little bit of this now, even if your weight loss for the week is only half a pound, or (gasp!) zero? Or, would you rather keep that craving for weeks and over indulge later and instead of little to no weight loss, have a gain?

That is what I had to decide the other day. My husband and I have been craving some Chinese food. I don't eat much of the food, but when I do I get a craving from this place in town that makes the best tempura battered chicken pieces for sweet and sour chicken. Terrible I know. I finally (after a few weeks) decided to give into this craving. Let me tell you, I ate those chicken pieces and felt like crap most of the rest of the night. I learned that my MSG "allergy" has gotten much worse. Just a little bit of soy sauce that contains the MSG and I was having an attack. The other lesson I have learned, sometimes giving into those cravings makes it so you may not crave that food again. Not such a bad thing?

Will this affect my numbers on the scale? Maybe. But I have lost 47.6 pounds, and I am averaging 3.4 pounds a week. That is way over the "recommended" amount. I am on point to lose fifty pounds in the next few weeks. I feel great, look better, and can do more. Was getting rid of a craving now so I didn't make it worse later worth waiting an extra week or two for that magic number of 50? Yes, in my opinion it was. Some of you may tell me hell no, how could you do it? And I understand that logic. I just know me, my body, my goals, and what I am trying to do. So yes, it was for me.

Love, Peace, and still Fat

1 comment:

  1. Staci,

    You've just mention about every food item I'm eating for a few months now! I seriously need to stop, but it's hard when you have a household of people buying it all the time and they tempt you everytime they eat it in front of you. I'm about to have my 2nd baby girl anyday now and the OB told me I need to cut back on my salt and sugar intake before I develop preclampsia and gestational diabetes. From then on, my fiance coaxed me into walking each day for about 30 minutes to keep my weight and health consistent. He is also fixing healthier meals so I won't compromise my and my baby's health. I wouldn't know what to do without his love and support. I see that you are beyond your goal and I encourage you to keep on...don't ever stop. We are all rooting for you. I will keep you informed of my progress as you are informing us yours. Take care and good luck! :)
