Thursday, April 19, 2012


I've realized a few things over the past couple of months in my weight loss journey. I am a stronger person than I thought. I knew that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to, so it shouldn't be such a surprise to me that I am doing well. It's more about the self-control I've had, and the positive attitude I've kept up this long.

Self-control is something I can honestly admit that I struggle with more than anything else. The self-control to stop after one (or half of a) cookie, only have those two pieces of thin crust pizza, go to a party and not chow down on chips. As I've talked about before I've had lots of practice at parties since I started on this journey. The party or holiday dinner is usually something that I would have given myself a free pass for previously, or I would have not really thought too much about. Now, I am determined. I will lose this weight, I will get fit: I will be a better me. That has made my self-control so much better than I ever thought I could do.

I'll give a great example of this self-control in action, and it isn't at a party. My husband and I have been craving a real Chicago deep dish pizza before we move. If you aren't from Chicago you may not understand the deliciousness of these pizza's. If you are lactose intolerant and can't eat cheese, so sorry, you will never eat this pizza. It's a thick crust (the type of flour used depends on the place you go to have it) with crust coming up the sides of the deep dish pan and then rolled over the top of it self slightly covering the toppings. Now the cheese goes down first (yes non-Chicago people I understand this is not normal just wait) and it's not just a sprinkling of cheese. I have to say that in a large pizza there has got to be over a pound of mozzarella cheese inside that pizza. Then come the toppings, of veggies, sausage (depending wear crumbled or patty), pepperoni, or anything else you can think of. Then the sauce is ladled on top of all that goodness (the crust may be rolled over at this point), and then put in the oven to bake for 45 minute to one hour. Just enough time for your stomach to go from hungry to ravenous.

Now previously my husband and I would order at least a medium pizza, and each have at least 2 pieces. Oh, plus the mozzarella cheese sticks for an appetizer. So, Sunday we decided to go and have this pizza before we move. Yummy right. We get to the restaurant, and order a small sausage pizza, and each of us got a side salad, dressing on the side of course. We slowly ate the salad, and even by the time we were finished there was a good ten to fifteen minute wait for our pizza to come out. We each took our one piece, added a bit of parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, said our prayers and started to eat. I think I have never taken so long to cut my pizza, then put it in my mouth, chew it and swallow before. (And yes, this pizza is so large you almost have to eat it with a fork and knife. I am sorry New Yorkers) We had the other two pieces of the small pizza put in a to go box and went home. Self control at it's best. No fatty, fried appetizer, no two pieces of pizza but best of all, no stomach telling me that it is so full that I want to unbutton my pants for the drive home.

Now the other part is the positive attitude. I've had a few weeks where I have lost a pound or less, I even had a week that I gained 1 pound. Overall, though I have had a weight loss of 44.2 pounds in fourteen weeks, I am ahead of my goals for the year (though they are not changing as of right now just because I know it may get harder later in the year. I will play it by ear). It also helps that I am doing things I never thought I would before and doing things I don't know if I could have done 44 pounds ago.

I walk to my Weight Watchers meeting every week. I've had to get a ride home twice for an ankle issue (if I would remember a band aid on the ankle it wouldn't be an issue). That is at least 1.2 miles or 3.4 if I do the round trip. I walked over 4 miles in a day (From my house to my sisters, then my meeting, then my mom's and then home) and I wasn't sore or exhausted from it. If needed I could enter into a 5k walk for this weekend and finish it in about an hour or so. I can hold more and lift more. I helped my dad just the other day take the cap off of his truck. It took 4 of us to lift the cap off (while my mom drove the truck forward. Scary considering I was afraid of getting my toes ran over), and then maneuver it over the fence, through the back yard, and place it on the horses. Yes I was able to carry my side and be good with the walking, and holding of it. I held it up until I could get someone to move the horse for me because I was afraid of dropping the lid one handed. Now I probably could have accomplished that prior to my weight loss. But, I wouldn't have been able to do it without cussing, and being out of breath by the end.

I also find that standing on my feet doesn't hurt as much as it use to. When I stand for long periods of time, or take really long walks I don't hurt. Usually by the end of the day at the zoo I am sitting all the time and can't wait to get in the car and just put my feet up. Not anymore. I can't wait until after the move so I can start training to run a 5k (which should be interesting since I am out of breath by the end of the block).

On a side note: To all those with the positive comments, likes when I post on Facebook, etc. Thank you. I never thought that me putting down how I honestly feel at any given time, would be such a help to so many people. You have inspired me to be a better me, and to keep myself on track as well. I can't really express in words (shocking, I know) how much all of that means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Until next time:
Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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