Monday, March 26, 2012

Another good week, another question I ponder

Yes, it was another great week for me. Last week I lost over 2 pounds and hit my 10% weight loss goal. For those that don't know what that means, I lost 10% of my starting weight, or 32.6 pounds. That made me feel great! I haven't been able to exercise as much as I would like, but I pay attention to those points I eat daily, and make sure I am eating enough. I was thinking, and I didn't do anything different this week. I watched what I ate, made healthy choices in my food, and tried to move around the house a bit since I can't work out.

This week I knew I was doing good. I had lost the 10%, and I was sticking with the plan. I made an observation on Friday. Matt was off so we went to Home Depot to get some packing supplies. While we were in there it started pouring down rain. It was raining when we went to leave, so I made Matt a bargain. He wouldn't have to pick me up, but if he could unlock the door to the truck before putting the items we bought in the back away I would run out to the truck and get wet as well. He did, and I ran. Wow, I didn't lose my breath, and I felt great. We then went to Best Buy to make an inquiry about an stereo installation. Matt dropped me off at the door again, and it was raining when we went to leave. I told him I'd meet him at the truck. I waited at the door, and then took off on the sidewalk, through the "street" and down the 8 or so spaces down to where Matt was parked. I guess my jeans are a little bigger than I thought because by the time I got to the truck, my jeans were under my butt and falling off. Oops! Even though I felt great for the run, there was that I hope no one saw my underwear moment.

So I go to weigh in today and I look at my tracker. Before weigh in I have 6 weigh ins left. I started to think. I really would love to wait to move until after my last weigh in on this tracker. It would give me a great 16 week start, and besides what if that new WW weigh in place I go to when I move has a scale that weighs me differently. If their scale says that I weigh more than the one up here, how would that make me feel on my last weigh in?

So now I ask, is it selfish of me to want to wait that extra week to move so I can have one last good weigh in here? Well, I guess it depends on how close to my goal I am right? I would love to hear your opinions.

Love, Peace, and Still Fat


  1. I just wanted to let you know you are doing great! I know we really didn't talk much in high school, but when I saw your blog posted on Facebook, it gave me a lil' motivation to finish other goals in my life. I'm about to give birth to my 2nd child, going from 120lbs to pusing 200lbs in 9 months!!! I want to use your blog as a tool to help me lose the weight after the baby is born. Besides, you make a wonderful mentor to others. Can't wait for the next posting! :)

    Ms. Janeen Watson (a.k.a. Lil' Mama)

    1. Janeen,

      Thanks for the positive feedback. It's funny that I started this blog so other so called "fat" girls would understand that they are never alone in a weight loss journey, and someone out there is or has struggled. I felt that if I made one person feel like they were not alone that I would reach my goal. That, and I wanted a place to put my feelings down. This is not easy and writing all this out keeps me from going to the pantry and eating when I get down or bored. Yet, it's the great feed back, and the positive comments that keep me going.

      Your comment means so much to me, because I feel like I am reach my goals, and that I am doing something right in my life. I know you can lose the weight. And, if you ever need someone to vent to or ask questions, I will be right here for you.

      PS. Even though we didn't talk, I know who you are, and you were never straight out mean to me, so that makes it even better :)
