Friday, October 13, 2017

What is the new journey?

Now that I am back to posting, and the journey what is it? Well, in a sense, it is the same. The goal is to get fit, and lose some inches and weight along the way. The process is different, and some of my goals along the way have change. A big part of that change goes to my cousin Katie, who has been the push I needed at time and one of my biggest cheerleaders this summer. The other goes to my friend Christopher who has given me one of my biggest goals to date.

Last year Katie and Rachel both did the Warrior Dash with friends. It looked like a bunch of fun, and a challenge. I happened to mention to Katie that I wanted to do a 5K, and the how much fun the Warrior Dash looked. I doubted myself being able to do a 5K. I've never ran a mile in my life, how in the hell was I suppose to get an entire 3.1 miles in the books?

Katie never doubted me. In fact, she encouraged me. I was sitting at home one night in February, when she tagged me in a Facebook post about the run and asking me to do it. Next thing I know I have a text telling me that her friend started a team so we could get a discount and to join it. It wasn't a "You should do this run with me." It was "We started a team. Join it." I signed up and there it was, my first 5k to do.

I hadn't even finished that one and barely started training for my race when Katie started a Facebook group for friends and family for us to sign up for the Warrior Dash. By the end of February I was signed up for that one as well. There it was, my first year of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to do something I never thought I would and I was signed up for two races, one of which had obstacles! What in the hell was I thinking?!

I started training. It was winter, but I got on the treadmill and started using interval training on a couch to 5k app to get my running going. I was proud to that I was working my way up. Just over a month later my foot was killing me daily, and was only getting worse. I made an appointment with a doctor and got x-rays. I went to the podiatrist (which with his intern was a treat), and was given good news bad news. My foot wasn't broken, not even a stress fracture, but I had some major nerve damage. I was given a shot in the foot and told no running.

No running?! Was this doctor insane? I had been training for a month, and getting my run in a few days a week was an addiction. I can't even tell you how hard amazing it was for me to admit that I was enjoying the cardio. I would finish the thirty or so minutes of the couch to 5k, and I would continue to walk until I hit 40 to 45 minutes total. I felt great, and on days I wasn't running and I hit the gym, I would warm up on the treadmill, and then hit the weights after. Some days I was able to get a 15 to 20 minute walk in. Others, I was dying but I still made it to the gym.

I kept to walking and tried running as I was allowed. I went camping with my parents the weekend prior to my 5k. I went out Sunday alone, and did a route that was just over 3.1 miles. I ran and walked as I could, and finished it in my best time to date! I was ready for the 5k! I was going to kick butt and enjoy myself.

I won't bore everyone with a run down of the race. But I did it. And I finished! And I had fun! I may not have run the whole thing, but I did the race and I wasn't dying for breath, or anything after. I ran when I could, and was an inspiration to some. There was a great satisfaction in completing it.

While I have so much more to share, this post could go on forever. I will write up an entire post to the Warrior Dash. That was an experience and a half!

Peace, Love and Still fat,


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