Friday, October 20, 2017

Frustrations and Set Backs

I know I promised a post about the Warrior Dash, and I promise it is coming. But, this has been a hard week for me, and getting the inspiration to tell you about how that went, how I enjoyed it, and what I took away from it is lacking. Lacking isn't even the word. I am down and out. I am depressed about this journey, and the new set back I have received. So, here I am doing what I do best. I am putting it all out there for you to read, and maybe it'll help someone else out along the way.

It starts about three weeks ago. I had been preparing for my third and fourth events this year up until then. The goal was to get my speed down so I don't get kicked off the course in my fourth event, but more on that later. On that Saturday I drove over to my sister's/mom's place and was going to head up north to spend the day with family celebrating my grandma's birthday. I didn't even get a chance to say hi to my sister when I was whisked off in the truck to go pick up some food and head out. Of course, there was a complication, and we headed back to my sister's.

This is where the fun begins. I decided to run upstairs real quick and say hi to my sister because I haven't seen her in forever. I put my right leg on a step and went to go up when I felt and heard it. There was a pop from my calf and instant pain. I ended up walking up the rest of the stairs like a kid, left foot first, right foot same stair and repeat. I made it down but I am here to tell you that it hurt to just walk. I pushed my right foot so that it was facing out, and shuffled along to the truck and somehow managed to get myself in.

I was in pain, serious pain. I spent most of my day in a recliner, with my leg propped up. It hurt to walk like a normal person, and ugh. Just ugh. I did have my cousin take a look at it, she is a physiotherapist, and a doctor. She thought it was a muscle tear (muscle sprain) in the calf. I made it home late that night, took a muscle relaxer, and slept on the couch with my leg propped up. The next day I was still having issues, and let's just say that my walk was definitely showing a limp. You think I would have went to the doctor, right? Nope. Not me. I managed to ice my leg, and just not walk normal.

Now I will say within 2 weeks my leg was feeling better. I was walking normal, but still being careful about stairs. It was the morning of my third event, and it was cancelled due to extreme weather. I went out with Mella shopping and garage selling. We went to leave the store and it was pouring down rain. My leg had been feeling great and without thinking I took off at a run to her Jeep. Big effing mistake. Huge. I think I made about four of five strides when I felt the muscle in my calf tense up and pretty much tear again. There I was Saturday and Sunday on the couch, leg propped and iced, and not a happy camper at all.

I finally went to the doctor. Muscle strain. Damn muscle strain. My instructions are to RICE - rest, ice, compress (when the pain to touch goes away) and elevate - as much as possible for the next two weeks. After that I can probably walk like a normal person. No running at all for four to six weeks. And no strenuous activity on it. WTF. I have an event in just over a week from when I am posting this and it is an event that is timed, and we can be asked to take a short cut, be told to walk on the sidewalk, or be taken off the course all together. What am I going to do?

So, with all of that, needless to say I have been pretty depressed and down on myself all week. It probably doesn't help that the limping is taking a toll on my bad foot, you know the one I mentioned in my last post. So here I sit just a little over a week before my next event icing down body parts and trying not to be that depressed person. I know I have been crabby all week - no denying it here. Monday after the doctor I was really down. I pretty much limped into the house and sat trying not to be upset. I had texted my diagnosis out to my mom and some of my friends that had known what was going on. They tried to help me look to the future and all the training I could do when healed. It helped a little.

It wasn't until a talk later with one person who helped me to remember the long term goal, and how being depressed wasn't going to help before I started to cheer up a little. I have that big goal, the one I haven't shared yet. Yes, there is something out there that I can look forward to training for. And I know I can do it. So in the spirit of keeping me in a good mood I'll share now.

Spring 2019, I am going to participate and finish the Darkside 10K at Disney. This crosses a few items off the big bucket list I have. I've always wanted to do a 10K, and I've always wanted to participate in a Disney running event. Two birds with one stone, right? So there it is. All next year not only am I going to be training for my 5K's with friends and family (and there are a bunch of events I want to do next year), but I'll be working my way up to running a 10K. There is a time limit, so I know not only do I have to learn to run, but be able to keep up just under a 4 mph run. I can do this! So April 2019 there is my new goal date.

I'll be keeping everyone posted about my training and how I am doing. I encourage anyone to ask me how it is going, or to join me once I am healed. There are lots of 5K's I know I want to do next year, (The Run to Wrigley, the Color Run, the Warrior Dash, the Hot Chocolate 5K, the Ditka Dash, a breast cancer event) and anyone who would like to join me is more than welcome. I am planning a few virtual races as well. Here's to making 2018 the year I learn to run not only a mile, but multiples.

Peace, love, and still fat,


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