Friday, October 27, 2017

The Big Question of the Weekend

Okay, yes I know I promised the Warrior Dash, and I actually have that post written. The problem is I have a huge question to mull over for the weekend and it has been weighing on my mind. With my injury I haven't been able to train for walking let alone running in a month now. A month with no speed walking or running. It's been difficult to say the least.

On Sunday I am signed up to participate in the Hot Chocolate 5k. This was suppose to be my last 5k of the year. When I signed up I was notified that there is a time limit on the course and if I can't keep up a 4 mph speed that they will ask me to take a short cut, walk on the sidewalk (without the benefit of any amenities), or be taken out of the race. With that notification, and the fact that I am in one of the last corrals to be let go I know that there is no way I will finish the race proper.

So the question I am mulling over, is it is worth it to go, and try to complete part of the race? I am trying to weigh the options of waking up early to drive downtown Chicago, pay to park for a few hours just to get my hot chocolate mug, and the all the chocolate goodies that go along with it. My cousins and aunt are participating, but my mom is injured and won't be participating and my bestie doesn't know if she is going to go, because she managed to sprain her ankle last weekend. That means that I may be the only one from this side of Chicago to go. Is it worth it?

I worry that if I do go and try to walk that I'll push myself too far and I'll end up pushing back my recovery. Or worse, what if I end up injuring myself even worse. Ugh! I have too much planned and a Disney 10k to train for right? Any thoughts on this, or encouraging moments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Peace, Love, and Still Fat,


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