Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First post from Louisiana

Yea! I made it to Louisiana. It took a bit of time, but I am pretty settled in the new house. It's been a long (has it been almost) two week since my last post, but I needed it to be able to get settled here. I had my first meeting at my new Weight Watcher here this morning. I must admit I was hesitant to get on the scale to see what I did. I knew I needed to do it since I didn't go last week, but it was difficult. In the two weeks since my last weigh in I had eaten a quarter pounder with cheese, sausage mcmuffin with egg, fried chicken tenders, pasta, po' boys, french fries, pizza, chips, burgers, and beneigets. However, when I really thought about what I had eaten (even at the buffet), I realized that my portions were smaller than before I started this journey. I didn't over eat, or feel over fed once. That's a great thing.

So off I drove to the meeting place (disappointed that I can't walk as there are no sidewalks on the busy roads by my house). I filled out my paperwork, signed in, took a deep breath, and stepped on the scale. WHAT?! I lost 2 pounds?! I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. That puts my weight loss total at 50.8 right now. I've hit my 50 pound goal and I am a whole month and a half ahead of my goal! I am so stoked! I can't even put into words how much it means that I got this completed!

I lost weight in the two weeks, and I didn't eat great, but I didn't eat like I use to before I started. Okay, on the drive I wasn't that great. I had Cheese Pringles, Reese's pieces, peanut butter M&M's. But I drank water or diet pop. And with no air, I was sweating and got a sun burn. I realized that even though I had a bad week or a few bad meals, walking around the French Quarter with my parents, loading and unloading a truck, finishing my packing and unpacking all was "exercise" that helped me to make those "bad" behaviors turn into a weight loss.

While I take some time to adjust to the food, and make sure that I keep up this great progress I am going to revel in the fact that I did so well. Until next time...

Love, Peace, and Still Fat

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